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Le mot du président
Un site Web rénové, des structures et des composantes collégiales remodelées, un conseil d'administration élargi, une banque de connaissance liftée et agrandie, un champ d'action étendu, une mobilisation accrue au profit de l'efficience économique, une forte implication dans l'Université, une ouverture à l'International pour partager de l'expertise, des réflexions et des expériences …
A revamped website, reshaped collegial structures and components, a broadened board of directors, a knowledge bank that has been given a facelift and expanded, a broadened sphere of action, improved mobilisation for economic efficiency, a strong involvement in the University, a wide range of international contacts to share expertise, thoughts and experiences …
FNTC is in a constant renewal and regeneration process.
Its members are working relentlessly to guarantee the security of electronic exchanges, and to maintain the integrity of digital contents in space and in time.
By working with skill and imagination to design and implement innovative,interoperable, stable and lasting solutions, they are generators and vectors of reliable and serene dematerialisation: « dematerialisation in complete trust ».
As producers and promoters of security and trust, they are making a strong contribution to the development of the Digital Economy.