

Solution SaaS pour sécuriser et faciliter l’utilisation, le partage et la transmission des données et fichiers numériques entre proches, Angelia est le jardin secret numérique disponible en B2B2C et en B2C. L’utilisateur réduit sa charge mentale, accompagne l’autonomisation de ses enfants et anticipe la dépendance. La gestion du patrimoine numérique par Angelia permet de fidéliser vos clients et de contractualiser avec leurs proches.

Incubée par Telecom Paris à Station F, est la solution SaaS pour sécuriser et faciliter l’utilisation, le partage et la transmission des données et fichiers numériques entre proches.

Angelia est votre jardin secret numérique, qui facilite la gestion de votre patrimoine numérique de façon à la fois :
– sécurisée, très supérieure aux coffres-forts numériques disponibles
– transparente, et seulement lorsqu’elle est nécessaire – sur la blockchain, chaque modification est horodatée.

Angelia est un tiers de confiance entre tous les corporates (notamment tiers de confiance) et les particuliers, qui ont besoin de fidéliser, de se différencier et d’être attractif par la sécurité et la traçabilité de leurs services, sur un marché toujours plus concurrentiel.

Notre solution ici :

Plaquette sur demande


Incubated by Telecom Paris in Station F, Angelia is a SaaS solution to secure and facilitate the use, share and transmission of digital data and files between relatives.

Angelia is the digital secret garden fully secured – and the safest digital safe available today – which allows also users to certify the authenticity of their assets.

The user reduces his mental burden, accompanies the empowerment of his children and anticipates dependency.

Angelia will become an essential trusted third party for all companies and their millions of individual customers who need to build loyalty, trust, traceability, differentiate themselves and be attractive in an increasingly competitive market.

We aim at facilitating the management of everyone’s digital life, protecting assets and ensuring their perennial transmission, so as to improve the relationship between our partners and their direct and indirect customers (exponential growth in consumer engagement).

Data is completely unreadable and inaccessible to anyone who intercepts it, including internet service providers and even Angelia which cannot access the decrypted data.

Overall, the innovation of a password manager and secure file storage on the blockchain, combined with top-notch encryption, will revolutionize the way we manage our online identities and protect our sensitive data. It’s a new competitive advantage for corporates.

Angelia innovates with the AES-256 encryption and her blockchain protocol :

By using blockchain tech, a PM can provide a decentralized, secure and transparent way to store and manage passwords. This allows an immutable and tamper-proof record of all password transactions.

In addition, our users can store their files on a decentralized blockchain network, which provides them with enhanced security and privacy.


Pépinière de la Confiance


Station F, 5 Parvis Alan Turing
75013 Paris